ima 2003

Pozvánka na mezinárodní výstavu a veletrh v Norimberku

All the big names coming to the IMA

I Trade Fair I All the major manufacturers in the German coin-operated machine industry will be represented at the IMA 2003 in Nuremberg. This has now been confirmed by the IMA's organisers, Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH in Dusseldorf.

As Sandra Orth, Project manager responsible for the IMA, told games & business, visitors will experience a familiar IMA layout. In Hall 1 of the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre the main exhibitors will once again be Gauselmann, Mega and Lowen. And Bally Wulff, Bergmann and Kiesewetter have again secured their stand space in Hall 2. "This means that we have clear and appealing focuses of interest in both halls; their drawing power will also benefit the other companies," explained Sandra Orth. A new feature at the next IMA will be exhibition areas devoted to specific themes.

Visitors will experience the "World of Coffee", "World of Deko and Design", World of Security" and the "World of Vending". "Coffee, refreshments, equipment and security are major fields within the coin-operated machine industry. Despite this, there is a high risk of their being somewhat submerged amidst the vast range of companies presenting. By concentrating these exhibitors together our aim is to shift them from the periphery to the centre of visitors' attention," said Sandra Orth. Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH is more than satisfied with tne reaction to the IMA 2003 so far. "Sales of stand space are better than good. We can already predict that the IMA 2003 will offer visitors even greater variety than in 2002, "was the comment from Dusseldorf.

The dates for the next IMA are 14 - 17 January 2003.

IMA - Veletrh v Norimberku
Nürnberg 14.-17.1.2003

VDAI Verlags- und Messegesellschaft mbH
Dirckenstraße 49
D-10178 Berlin
tel.: +49 030 28 40 70
fax: +49 030 28 40 72 72
Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH
Völklinger Straße 4
D-40219 Düsseldorf
tel.: +49 0211-90 191-133
fax: +49 0211-90 191-127